Name: Skandar Keynes
Date of Birth: 5 September 1991
Place of Birth: London, England, UK
Eye color: Brown and Beautiful
Nickname(s): Skandy
Education: GCSE's want's to be a doctor
Family: Sister Soumaya, parents and two cats
Resides in: Highbury, London
Religious affiliations: Atheist
Political affiliation: N/A
Personal interests/hobbies: cello, flute, guitar, taekwondo, actong, sword fighting, loves nandos and chinese, gets his soap from the body shop
Charities/Causes: In Lebanon
Other: Prefers Boxers to briefs..used to hate hugs but rather likes them now.
Fan Mai l: Skandar Keynes
c/o Hamilton Hodell
5th Floor
66-68 Margaret Street
London, W1W 8SRUK